The miracle of body magic and wonder bra - by Etcetera

You can talk about body magic but please leave our wonder
bras alone. Lol. Article written by singer turned writer,
Etcetera. Enjoy...
Those women who wear simple and proper
undergarments, this article is not about you. It is for
those women who are confused and concerned and
are leaning toward spending their hard-earned money
on a magic garment that is being peddled as if it can
solve all that ail them, only to be sorely disappointed.
Every eight seconds, a woman looks in the mirror and
wants to be smaller. I have a huge problem with this
type of women.
Whenever I meet people who pretend to be what they are
not, it gets under my skin. When you present yourself as
something, you’re asking me to trust you are exactly what
you say you are. Why would you then abuse the trust you
asked for with the goal of winning my heart? That is not
fair. A friend of mine introduced me to a very hot chic at a
bar in Ikeja and after hours of hanging out and getting to
know each other, she followed me home. All I could think
about was what she’d look like under all those tight clothes,
but when she finally grunted her way out of those really
tight jeans and her body began to spread in all directions, I
suddenly had a headache and didn’t feel so well and I gave
her cab fare home.
I mean, is this body magic thing for-real? It is ridiculous. To
think that someone would honestly wear it instead of
putting the time and effort into actually losing the extra
pounds should be a personal embarrassment. It’s really
gone past pathetic. The extreme to which our women are
going to capture an image of beauty that is neither holistic,
healthy nor attractive is crazy. It seems so strange that
some ladies complain about not being able to find sincere,
honest and real men when everything about them is
synthetic, processed and unreal. Ladies, let me sell you a
clue. If you find a man, any man, who seems to be
attracted to women who have certain physical attributes
like fake hair, fake nails, fake round bum-bum, fake flat
stomach, fake eyelashes and fake breasts, odds are he’s a
fake man. So if that’s what you’re looking for (fake men),
then that’s cool. Leave the ‘real’ men to the ‘real’ women. If
my girl had to undress and all of a sudden picked up 8 to 10
pounds merely by taking off her corset, the attraction would
have ended immediately. Because it is a fraud and I don’t
get myself involved with fraudulent people. What worries
me most is, how do you as a lady guard your emotions
from the reaction you will inevitably receive when that look
of shock and disdain appears on the face of your man after
he sees those parts you’ve been hiding under that body
magic? If you find yourselves that undesirable, why would
you expect a man to find you desirable?
Let’s look at this thing called body magic and the falsity
around it. It makes you feel you have dropped three dress
sizes right? Which basically means you’ll shave off about
three inches of fat in ten minutes, firm up your abs, and
boom, you’ve lost all the extra weight. Yes girlfriend, a body
magic can reshape you. Wearing a corset can change your
bust-line, by raising the breasts upwards and shaping them,
flattening the stomach, and improving posture. However,
these effects are only temporary and will be lost on
removing the corset. Indeed, excessive corset wearing has
been claimed to weaken certain muscles, making it more
difficult to maintain your shape. Another thing a body magic
can’t do is make a mound of fat disappear. Using a body
magic for this purpose does nothing except shift mass fat
into a place it originally was not supposed to be. Think
about it, if fat was supposed to be buried deeper into your
body, then guess what? God would have put it there. It’s
stored on the outermost parts of your frame for a reason.
Squeezing into a body magic and hoping it’s going to help
permanently hide whatever flaws your body may have is a
joke. And for Christ’ sake, the thing is so uncomfortable
and tight, that it makes you unable to breathe or ease
yourself when pressed.
I am really sad that our ladies don’t talk about healthy
eating or exercise anymore. Body magic is a temporary fix
at best and deceitful for that matter. Ladies, let’s be truthful
here, if you met a guy who was wearing a muscle garment
and once he took his shirt off, he was all flab underneath,
won’t you be very disappointed? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t
have a problem with a woman using the garment in the
process of losing weight and wanting to look toned down
after childbirth. What I have issues with is the fact that we
in this country are all about the quick fix. I think we should
know that looking good is not just about hiding the body
fat. And wait a minute, I know some of you may actually
think that you don’t have to stop eating your favourite fatty
foods, because your body magic will force you right back in
shape. You forget the fact that those foods are unhealthy
and lack proper nutrition for the body. You also forget that
those are the same foods that got you in a physically unfit
figure in the first place. Forget the fact that those foods
aren’t going to help you maintain that figure. Should you
magically obtain it, you don’t want to sacrifice and take
pains to exercise. Doesn’t it surprise you that the garment
is called body magic, like abracadabra ? It can give you all
you want and you don’t have to sacrifice at all. My dear,
nothing works that easy.
Why not work harder to achieve a permanent figure you are
craving for? It must be hard, or down right depressing to
walk around looking fine most of the day, and then having
to take off the fine body suit and look at the undesired one
at night. It’s like you are trying to fool yourself and others.
Eventually, you’re going to have to face the ‘fat’. Remember
when you take off that body magic, gravity takes over! And
no man wants to buy an illusion. We all want the real thing.
It’s just sad that some Nigerian women are so hell bent on
instant gratification. It would be beautiful to see you ladies
embrace yourselves as you are. If you run like a rat, smell
like a rat and look like a rat, then guess what girlfriend, you
are a rat.


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